Wednesday, April 1, 2015

  1. Situation:
Mkwaja Ranch is situated in the Coastal Savanna 190 miles North of Dar es Salaam and 60 miles South of Tanga in the District of Pangani. The ranch covers an area of 28,000 hectores – (70,000 acres). The altitude is between 50 and 100m above sea level.

2. Vegetation and Bio-diversity:
The vegetation cover is diverse. Dry sclerophyllous wood and partly Miombo like woodland forms a mosiac pattern with acacia scrub and natural or paroclimetic grasslands containing some patches of coastal scrub, rocky outcrops with succulents, riverine forests and combretaceous woodland. The centre of the Mbuga or Dambo grasslands are mostly cyrus swamps and echinochloa or dichanthium grasslands with dispersed Donm palms. Mino mosaic types are dominated by Hyparrhenia and sometimes panicum maximum, reaching the drier zones of the pans.
  1. Climate:
  2. Due to the maritime influence the coastal Savanna climate is quite moist (precipitation about 1,00mm per annum) with a short rainy season in April/May and a long rainy season in October/December. In most years there is no mouth without any rainfall. The average temperature is all year round between monthly average of 25-30 0C.
  3. Soils:
  4. The plains in the coastal Savanna areas are mainly made up of freely drained coral sands or sandy neogan deposits, dotted with some hills with Mesozoic chalk and regularly interspersed with alluvial flats and black cotton souls (vertisols). Towards the first escarpment of about 40 from the coast more and more ingenious rocks (gneiss and quartzite from Achean basement cmplex) reach the surface, and in the northwest Genda-genda an ancient Volcano puts and district landmark on the escarpment. Towards the escarpment sandy and sometimes lateritic souls are more frequent.
  5. Infrastructure:
  6. The ranch has 20 catchment dams to provide water for the cattle and people as there is only flowing water during very heavy rains.
    There is a network of roads, which require regular maintenance as many area are black cotton soil.
    The Airstrip is of a good standard with 1,100m cross runway
    The Machinery and infrastructure of the ranch is serviceable but require regular maintenance due to its age.
    The buildings comprises of 1 Managers house, 1 guest house, 1 rest house, 6 staff houses, car ports, main store, workshop building, office building, slaughter and cold storage building, power house (inc. generator), dairy building, 77 labour houses, shop, church, mosque, market.
  7. Cattle:
The ranch is a well-known beef cattle station and the leading Bora breed produces in Tanzania. There are presently about 8611 head of cattle (ears, hulls, calves of Boran zebu race) on the ranch. Thanks to tsetse fly and tick control programmes (vectors for trypanosomiasis and anaplasmsis) and to improved management the operation is profitable.
Since 1993 the established export markets in Kenya – there are buying interest in the Middle East & Mauritius

The ranch has a great potential for tourism considering that to the south it boarders Saadani Game reserve due for game ranching. To the East, there is the Indian Ocean and the Zanzibar channel with all the glittering sands, and a fishing paradise for water sports.
PRICE: US $ 2.7 Million with the cattle
              US $ 1.5 Million without the cattle
Map for the location
contact address is:
P. O. Box 14361
TEL. +255 57 8689
Fax: +255 57 8690
Hot line, cell phone: +255 811 652 068

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