Friday, April 3, 2015

Comparison of ingredient usage and formula costs in poultry feeds using different amino acid digestibility databases

  1. G. M. Pesti,2
+ Author Affiliations
  1. *Department of Animal Nutrition, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  2. Department of Poultry Science, The University of Georgia, Athens 30602-2772
+ Author Notes
  • 1 Visiting professor. Present address: Department of Poultry Science, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2772.
  1. 2 Corresponding author:
  • Received December 15, 2011.
  • Accepted April 17, 2012.


This study showed how using different database values for digestible amino acid contents influences ingredient usage and feed costs for broiler, layer, and turkey diets with recent ingredient costs from the United States and Pakistan. A series of feeds were formulated to compare results from using 2 commercial ingredient composition databases: Ajinomoto Heartland (AH; rooster assay values) and Evonik Degussa (ED; chick assay values). The ingredient composition matrix was based on NRC (1994) tables, except for digestible amino acids and protein. Requirements were for a broiler starter (Ross), broiler finisher (Cobb), turkey starter (Nicholas), turkey finisher (British United Turkeys), and leghorn prelay (ISA) and peak (Hy-Line) diets. Costs were local market prices in Pakistan (June 2010) and average US prices (2009). Formula costs were higher using the ED digestible amino acid values, ranging from $1.00/ton for the turkey finisher diet to $8.40/ton for the turkey starter diet. The broiler starter and finisher diets were $6.20 and $2.60/ton higher using the ED digestible amino acid values. Differences in formulation costs were due to higher levels of supplemental amino acids and soybean meal when using the ED database. The shadow prices of distillers dried grains with solubles ranged from $199.50/ton in the turkey starter diet, with AH digestible amino acid values, to $266.20/ton in the leghorn prelay diet, with AH digestible amino acid values. Not knowing the digestible amino acid levels in feed ingredients or choosing inappropriate digestible amino acid values may result (at least) in inefficiencies averaging $3.00 to $4.00/ton of finished feed for broilers, layers, and turkeys (approximately $6.00 for starter feed and $3.00 for finisher feed). Comparative values are similar for dollars and rupees. Differences in feed costs from using the different digestibility values can give an estimate of potential savings (costs) from using one particular database vs. the other. The cost difference may be used to demonstrate the magnitude of research monies that should be dedicated to estimating amino acid digestibility values most accurately.

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