Friday, April 3, 2015

Dirk Hoehler, A. Lemme, V. Ravindran, W.
L. Bryden and H. S. Rostagno. 2006. Feed Fo
rmulation in Broiler Chickens Based on Stan
Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility. En: Editores:
L. Elizabeth Cruz Suárez, Denis Ricque Marie, Mireya Tapia Salazar, Martha G. Nie
to López,
David A. Villarreal Cavazos, Ana C. Puello Cruz y Armando García
Ortega. Avances en Nutrición Acuícola VIII .VIII Simposium Int
de Nutrición Acuícola. 15-17
Noviembre. Universidad Autónoma de Nuev
o León, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.
ISBN 970-694-333-5.
Feed Formulation in Broiler Chicke
ns Based on Standardized Ileal
Amino Acid Digestibility
Dirk Hoehler
, A. Lemme
, V. Ravindran
, W. L. Bryden
and H. S. Rostagno
Degussa Corporation, Feed Additives
1701 Barrett Lakes Blvd., Suite 340
Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA
Phone: 678-797-4326
Fax: 678-797-4313
Degussa AG, Feed Additives
63457 Hanau, Germany
Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health
Massey University, Palmerston North
New Zealand
School of Animal Studies, University of Queensland
Gatton QLD 4343, Australia
Departamento de Zootecnia
Federal University of Vicosa
Vicosa, Brazil
Analysis of ileal contents rather than excreta is a mo
re reliable method for assessing amino acid digestibility in
poultry. Debate will continue among nutritionists about the re
lative merits of apparent a
nd true digestible amino acid
systems. However, there is no doubt that all digestible amino systems are superior to the use of total amino acids in
feed formulations. Present methods
of evaluating amino acid availability
have specific applications and
shortcomings. Standardized ileal digestibility is discusse
d as the concept of choice and some areas for future
research are highlighted. Performance data in growing broiler chicks demonstrate the advantages of feed formulation
based on standardized ileal digestibility
of amino acids in feed ingredients.
Dirk Hoehler, A. Lemme, V. Ravindran, W.
L. Bryden and H. S. Rostagno. 2006. Feed Fo
rmulation in Broiler Chickens Based on Stan
Ileal Amino Acid Digestibility. En: Editores:
L. Elizabeth Cruz Suárez, Denis Ricque Marie, Mireya Tapia Salazar, Martha G. Nie
to López,
David A. Villarreal Cavazos, Ana C. Puello Cruz y Armando García
Ortega. Avances en Nutrición Acuícola VIII .VIII Simposium Int
de Nutrición Acuícola. 15-17
Noviembre. Universidad Autónoma de Nuev
o León, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.
ISBN 970-694-333-5.
It is known that a proportion of dietary amino ac
ids is excreted undigested and that individual
raw materials differ widely in this respect. Thus,
the higher the inclusion levels of raw materials
with low amino acid digestibility in diets formulat
ed on the basis of total amino acids, the less
reliable will be the prediction
of performance (Esteve-Garcia
et al.
, 1993; Fernandez
et al.
, 1995;
et al.
, 2001a). In this situation, costly safety
margins are usually applied to avoid
potential reductions in performance.
Knowledge of digestibility coefficients (DC) fo
r individual amino acids in
raw materials and the
requirement of digestible amino acids for a
defined production target (such as maximising
growth, breast meat yield and/or
profitability, or minimising feed
conversion ratio and/or feed
costs per kg gain or breast meat)
therefore enables formulation of
diets closer to the requirements
of the animals. Diets based on digestible amino acids may encourage the use of alternative
protein sources, because such formulations will
improve the precision of least cost diets and
reduce nitrogen output from poultry operations. Fina
lly, diet formulations on a digestible amino
acid basis may also offer economic benefits (Rostagno
et al.
, 1995).
A large volume of published data on the amino aci
d digestibility of raw
materials for poultry is
available, but there is consider
able confusion in the terminology
used due to differences in the
methodology employed for determining the DC
(Ravindran and Bryden, 1999). The different
methodological approaches of assessing amino aci
d digestibility are br
iefly reviewed, with
emphasis on ileal digestibility. The need for
correcting digestibility estimates for endogenous
amino acid losses will be highlighted, followed
by a discussion on the measurement of inevitable
losses. Finally, the concept of ‘standardizing’ il
eal digestibility values by correcting for basal
endogenous amino acid recoveries will be introduce
d, along with a table of “Standardized Ileal
Amino Acid Digestibility for Broilers” for a range of raw materials.
What is Digestibility?
Digestibility can be defined as th
e fraction of a certain nutrient i
ngested with the diet that is
absorbed by the bird, i.e. not excreted in the f
aeces. Digestibility can therefore be calculated by
measuring dietary amino acid input (AA
) and excreta amino acid output (AA
) as follows:
Digestibility (%) = ((AA
– AA
) x 100
The assay of digestibility has
become the most favoured techni
que for estimating amino acid
availability. Digestibility assays may be separa
ted into two main categories: excreta and ileal
digestibility. Excreta digestibility involves the co
llection of excreta from intact or caecectomized
birds. For measurement of ileal di
gestibility, the digesta are collected
from the distal part of the
ileum. The latter method is technically more
complex, but it eliminates some confounding

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